  • 5 Tips to Help You Stick to Your New Year's Resolutions
5 Tips to Help You Stick to Your New Year's Resolutions
It’s the middle of February and if you’re like me you’re struggling to stay on track with your New Year's Resolutions. Here’s a few strategies I’ve implemented to keep my goals in check.


  1. Reevaluate Your Resolutions

First, get out a clean sheet of paper and pen then write down your original New Year's Resolutions for 2017. Heck, add in a few more! Now look at those goals, right in front of you, are they realistic? Should you modify what you’re currently doing to better accomplish those goals? Now write and rewrite until your resolutions are attainable.  Need a journal to write your resolutions in? Check out these simple notebooks from Slimnote Studio.

(photo courtesy of www.slimnotestudio.com)


  1. Declare It!

Now that you’ve rewritten your original resolutions (and thrown in a few more) create a daily reminder. I like to use sticky notes on my bathroom mirror. However, you could set an alarm on your phone to remind you and provide a little encouragement for yourself. Or try posting your goals on social media. I bet you’ll gain a lot of support from your family and friends.


  1. Use a Day Planner

A day planner is a great way to not only keep your daily life organized but also remind yourself of your resolutions. I use my day planner to keep track of everything! I write down my assignments for class, any upcoming appointments along with what days I need to exercise. I find that when I schedule a time to workout (just like I would an appointment) I’m more likely to go to the gym. I love this day planner from a Seattle, Washington Etsy shop, Purple Trail.


(photo courtesy of www.purpletrail.com)

  1. One Day at a Time

As you work towards your goals you’re bound to hit bumps in the road. And that’s OK! The important part is to just stay on the right path. Reaching any goal is tough so don’t get discouraged if it takes multiple tries.

  5. Reward Yourself

Ron Alford, leading business coach and consultant, who is an expert at goal setting and has trained and coached thousands of businesses suggests one of the greatest ways to reach your goal is to give yourself a reward.

Give yourself small rewards for small accomplishments and plan a large reward for once you achieve each New Year's Resolution. My resolution for this year is to workout 3 times a week for 6 months, and get this guys, my reward is an overnight stay at Miss Brittany's tiny house in Olympia, Washington. Brittany build this sweet cottage-style tiny house with her own two hands and I think she did a stellar job. Head over to www.airbnb.com to book your overnight adventure and make sure to mention Harts & Pearls to receive $30 off a 2 night stay.

(photo by Chris Tack, courtesy of Tumbleweed Tiny House Company)

(photo by Chris Tack, courtesy of Tumbleweed Tiny House Company)

What are your New Year's Resolutions? What have you done to stay on track? What's your reward?

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